The July Ethical Dilemma: Rebate Check
Engineer Tom is a principal in Superior Engineering, a firm that performs utility audits for large corporations. Tom's firm reviews the corporations’ activities, budget...
The June Ethical Dilemma: Document Signing
Engineer Mike, a licensed professional engineer, works for a utility company. Technician Sam works under Mike and Sam becomes trained in the design of small single-story buildings...
The May Ethical Dilemma: Soliciting Work
Scott currently works for ABC Engineering Company. Scott has a very good working relationship with a major client, Clover City, which is a neighboring city...
The April Ethical Dilemma: Peer Review
Engineer Bruce serves as a peer reviewer as part of an organized peer review program developed to assist engineers in improving their professional practice...
The March Ethical Dilemma: Conflict of Interest
Issues involving conflicts of interest have long been some of the thorniest issues faced by engineers. The Board of Ethical Review has had numerous occasions...
The February Ethical Dilemma: Hazardous Material
Ralph is a field technician employed by a consulting environmental engineering firm. At the direction of Engineer Patrick, his supervisor, Ralph, samples the contents of drums located...