The January Ethical Dilemma: Knowing More Than She Reveals
The Board has had occasion to consider the issue of falsification or misrepresentation of academic or professional qualifications on a number of occasions. The issue of falsification or misrepresentation of academic...
The December Ethical Dilemma: Employer Violation
Adam becomes aware of this practice and calls a "hotline" publicized in a technical publication and reports his employer's activities...
The November Ethical Dilemma: Joint Venture
Engineers Tom and Larry are in a joint venture in an engineering and construction management practice that provides civil and municipal...
The October Ethical Dilemma: Town Engineer
Harry, a professional engineer in private practice, has been retained by Edgetown as the town engineer. The Edgetown Planning Board...
The September Ethical Dilemma: Ethics Complaint
During the rendering of services to Client B on this project, the state board of professional engineers contacts Charles regarding an ethics complaint filed...
The August Ethical Dilemma: Public Service
Engineer Fred is the sole owner of Best Engineering, a private consulting engineering firm located in the city of Midway...