The June Ethical Dilemma: Responsible Enough?
Engineer Brian is a licensed professional engineer and land surveyor in state A. Brian is associated with a firm, XYZ Engineering and Surveying...
The May Ethical Dilemma: The cost of being a partner
The facts of this case describe a construction process commonly known as "design/build and/or turnkey." This construction process has been used by industry...
The April Ethical Dilemma: Improper Disclosure
One of the more challenging areas of engineering ethics issues involves the everyday relations among engineers. At one time, the Code had strict provisions regarding relations..
The March Ethical Dilemma: Open specifications
There is concern expressed within engineering circles that the number of U.S. patents being filed by U.S. manufacturers has been declining. As noted by the president of a leading patent, trademark and copyright association, “fewer than half of U.S. patents issued will be going to U.S. inventors...
The February Ethical Dilemma: Permit or not
Engineer Greg, an environmental engineer employed by the state environmental protection division, is ordered to draw up a construction permit for the construction of a power plant at a manufacturing facility. He is told by a superior to move expeditiously on the permit...
The January Ethical Dilemma: Knowing More Than She Reveals
The Board has had occasion to consider the issue of falsification or misrepresentation of academic or professional qualifications on a number of occasions. The issue of falsification or misrepresentation of academic...