The June Ethical Dilemma: Ethics and Expert Witnessing
Engineer Mike is a forensic engineer. He is hired as a consultant by Attorney Nancy to provide an engineering and safety analysis report and courtroom testimony in support of a plaintiff in a personal injury case.
The May Ethical Dilemma: The Clairvoyant Engineer
Engineer Ben is hired by Client X to develop a design for a project. After Ben develops what he believes to be the best design and meets with Client X to discuss the design plans and specifications
The April Ethical Dilemma: Reviewing the Work Of Another Engineer
Engineer Wally performed design services for a client and also agreed to perform inspection services during the construction phase of the project. Owing to factors beyond the control of the client
The March Ethical Dilemma: Sometimes Silence is Golden
Engineer Russell offers a homeowner inspection service in which he performs an engineering inspection of residences by prospective purchasers. Following the inspection, Russell renders a written report to the prospective purchaser.
The February Ethical Dilemma: Can a Proposal Be Too Detailed?
A village board made known its interest in receiving what it called “proposals” in connection to a contemplated water project, with an estimated construction cost of $500,000, to be financed in part with funds under a federal-aid program.
The January Ethical Dilemma: Referring Work to a Former Firm
Engineer Albert, principal in ABC Engineers, P.A., retires and sells his stock to ABC. He takes a 25% down payment with the remaining balance to be paid over a period of five years.