NoonPi Blog – Category Ethical Dilemma

NoonPi Blog – Category Ethical Dilemma2024-09-05T13:04:57-04:00
15January 2024

The January Ethical Dilemma: Obligations to Clients and Public Safety

January 15th, 2024|Categories: Ethical Dilemma|12 Comments

Board concludes that Sam did the appropriate thing in coming forward to his client with the information and also by documenting the information for possible future reference as appropriate.

18December 2023

The December Ethical Dilemma: Recruitment Finder’s Fee

December 18th, 2023|Categories: Ethical Dilemma|12 Comments

Engineer Raymond received an unsolicited letter and explanatory material from a commercial firm engaged in manpower placement, offering a monetary bonus to Raymond if he provided names of qualified engineers (and other technical disciplines listed in the brochure).

20November 2023

The November Ethical Dilemma: Disclosure of Previous Work by a Consultant

November 20th, 2023|Categories: Ethical Dilemma|10 Comments

Engineer Mitch agrees to provide consulting services to RMF, Inc., in connection with the development of a new product for manufacture. He develops a preliminary report, which is approved, then develops the design for the product. Mitch and RMF, Inc., do not negotiate any terms in their agreement relating to the actual ownership of the design of the product.

16October 2023

The October Ethical Dilemma: Gift-Sharing of a Hotel Suite

October 16th, 2023|Categories: Ethical Dilemma|8 Comments

Engineer Bob is director of engineering with a large governmental agency that uses many engineering consultants. Engineer Alan is a principal in a large engineering firm that performs services for that agency.

18September 2023

September Ethical Dilemma: Competent to Accept Reassignment?

September 18th, 2023|Categories: Ethical Dilemma|6 Comments

Engineer Larry is a professional engineer employed by the Army Corps of Engineers. Because of a substantial decrease in the work load, Larry was informed that his position with the Corps’ River Basin Planning Section was being abolished and that he would be reassigned.

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