See a Comparison

Between NoonPi and PDHDirect

NoonPi PDHDirect
Unlimited PDH Package
Course Library 3500+ PDH 1300+ PDH
Original Copyrighted Content
(Not Government Documents)
Number of Course Authors 80 + 10 +
Course Search by Area and Subtopic
Customer Course Ratings/Reviews
Course Previews Partial
Customer Support Email
Live Chat
Live Chat
Cost for 1 Year $149 (Unlimited) $199 (Unlimited)
    • Unlimited PDH Package
        • NoonPi: Yes
        • PDHDirect: Yes
    • Course Library
        • NoonPi: 3500+ PDH
        • PDHDirect: 1300+ PDH
    • Original Copyrighted Content (Not Government Documents)
        • NoonPi: Yes
        • PDHDirect: No
    • Number of Course Authors
        • NoonPi: 80+
        • PDHDirect: 10+
    • Course Search by Area and Subtopic
        • NoonPi: Yes
        • PDHDirect: No
    • Course Ratings and Reviews
        • NoonPi: Yes
        • PDHDirect: No
    • Course Previews
        • NoonPi: Partial
        • PDHDirect: No
    • Customer Support
        • NoonPi: Email, Phone, Live Chat
        • PDHDirect: Email, Phone, Live Chat
    • Price for 1 Year
        • NoonPi: $149 (Unlimited)
        • PDHDirect: $199 (Unlimited)

Content Quality & Selection

Finding PDH course topics that interest you year after year can be a struggle. It’s best to find a PDH provider that has a breadth of courses that can meet your needs now and in the future.

NoonPi has a huge course library – much larger than PDHDirect’s library. And NoonPi’s courses contain original material authored by more than eighty (80) experienced Subject Matter Experts. Many of PDHDirect’s “courses” are nothing more than a PDF of a government pamphlet, study, or report that is available freely in the public domain.

A cautionary note about PDH websites that have very few course authors: The NCEES Model Rules and all the state boards’ rules have language requiring a course instructor (author) to be qualified in the subject matter being taught. PDHDirect has hundreds of public domain “courses” covering multiple engineering disciplines, but only a handful of course authors. How it is possible for one engineer to be qualified to teach other engineers in so many subject areas?

Customer Experience

Course Search by Area & Subtopic

Ease of course search is an important consideration when choosing a PDH provider. Why waste your valuable time aimlessly searching for courses that interest you? NoonPi’s entire course library can be filtered by subject area and then again by subtopics within each subject area. NoonPi courses can also be sorted by course title, number of PDH, and customer rating. PDHDirect’s courses, on the other hand, can only be searched by subject area. There is no capability to filter by subtopic, course title, or number of PDH.

Course Previews

The ability to preview a course prior to purchase is helpful when trying to decide whether to select a particular course. PDHdirect does not include previews of their courses. NoonPi allows you to preview a portion of the course. However, NoonPi’s partial preview is really not an issue. If you don’t like a course, you can simply choose another one at no extra cost because NoonPi provides unlimited course access.

Customer Course Ratings/Reviews

Customer course ratings and reviews are an invaluable tool to help you make an informed decision about which courses to choose. NoonPi courses are rated on a scale ranging from 1 to 5 stars. Additionally, there are thousands of course reviews on NoonPi left by customers who describe their opinions about the course. PDHDirect’s website does not include any customer course ratings and reviews.

Pricing & Value

PDHDirect’s 1-year unlimited PDH package is $199. By comparison, NoonPi’s 1-year unlimited PDH package is $149 and gives you access to our entire course library, including dozens of Ethics courses.

One of Warren Buffett’s famous quotes is “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.” What you get with NoonPi relative to PDHDirect is original course content, not government public domain documents; a much larger course library; course ratings/reviews; and the search tools to help you more easily find the courses that interest you.

NoonPi Features

NoonPi offers the best value for your PDH dollar:

  • Unlimited access to our 3500+ PDH course library
  • Original content, not government documents
  • 80+ experienced Subject Matter Experts
  • Filter your course search by subject area, subtopic, number of PDH and course rating
  • Thousands of customer course ratings and reviews
  • Phone, chat and email support

NoonPi courses are accepted for PDH credit in all states. NoonPi (under the name Professional Development Options) is board-approved in all states that require board approval of PDH providers. We offer three packages to choose from that provide you with unlimited access to our entire online PDH course library:

Silver Package $20/month (paid quarterly) 1-year Unlimited course access
Gold Package $149 1-year Unlimited course access

Content Quality & Selection

Finding PDH course topics that interest you year after year can be a struggle. It’s best to find a PDH provider that has a breadth of courses that can meet your needs now and in the future.

NoonPi has a huge course library – much larger than PDHDirect’s library. And NoonPi’s courses contain original material authored by more than eighty (80) experienced Subject Matter Experts. Many of PDHDirect’s “courses” are nothing more than a PDF of a government pamphlet, study, or report that is available freely in the public domain.

A cautionary note about PDH websites that have very few course authors: The NCEES Model Rules and all the state boards’ rules have language requiring a course instructor (author) to be qualified in the subject matter being taught. PDHDirect has hundreds of public domain “courses” covering multiple engineering disciplines, but only a handful of course authors. How it is possible for one engineer to be qualified to teach other engineers in so many subject areas?

Customer Experience

Course Search by Area & Subtopic

Ease of course search is an important consideration when choosing a PDH provider. Why waste your valuable time aimlessly searching for courses that interest you? NoonPi’s entire course library can be filtered by subject area and then again by subtopics within each subject area. NoonPi courses can also be sorted by course title, number of PDH, and customer rating.

PDHDirect’s courses, on the other hand, can only be searched by subject area. There is no capability to filter by subtopic, course title, or number of PDH.

Course Previews

The ability to preview a course prior to purchase is helpful when trying to decide whether to select a particular course. PDHdirect does not include previews of their courses. NoonPi allows you to preview a portion of the course. However, NoonPi’s partial preview is really not an issue. If you don’t like a course, you can simply choose another one at no extra cost because NoonPi provides unlimited course access.

Customer Course Ratings/Reviews

Customer course ratings and reviews are an invaluable tool to help you make an informed decision about which courses to choose. NoonPi courses are rated on a scale ranging from 1 to 5 stars. Additionally, there are thousands of course reviews on NoonPi left by customers who describe their opinions about the course. PDHDirect’s website does not include any customer course ratings and reviews.

Pricing & Value

PDHDirect’s 1-year unlimited PDH package is $199. By comparison, NoonPi’s 1-year unlimited PDH package is $149 and gives you access to our entire course library, including dozens of Ethics courses.

One of Warren Buffett’s famous quotes is “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.” What you get with NoonPi relative to PDHDirect is original course content, not government public domain documents; a much larger course library; course ratings/reviews; and the search tools to help you more easily find the courses that interest you.

NoonPi Features

NoonPi offers the best value for your PDH dollar:

  • Unlimited access to our 3500+ PDH course library
  • Original content, not government documents
  • 80+ experienced Subject Matter Experts
  • Filter your course search by subject area, subtopic, number of PDH and course rating
  • Thousands of customer course ratings and reviews
  • Phone, chat and email support

NoonPi courses are accepted for PDH credit in all states. NoonPi (under the name Professional Development Options) is board-approved in all states that require board approval of PDH providers. We offer three packages to choose from that provide you with unlimited access to our entire online PDH course library:

Silver Package $20/month (paid quarterly) 1-year Unlimited course access
Gold Package $149 1-year Unlimited course access

The Choice is Clear

NoonPi is the obvious choice when you consider the price, the size of the course library, the quality of the courses, the customer support options and the onsite tools that help you quickly find the courses you need. NoonPi is the latest innovation of Professional Development Options, a company that began providing PDH courses to engineers by mail in the 1990s. Start earning your PDH with the original provider of PDH courses for engineers – since 1995.

A Note About Webinars

Most engineers that earn PDH online do so by completing online courses. Thus, the focus of this comparison has been on online courses. However, live webinars are accepted for PDH credit in all states. PDHDirect includes webinars in their $399 1-year unlimited PDH package.

NoonPi offers several 1 PDH lunchtime webinars per month that are open to all engineers free of charge, including those who have purchased a NoonPi Unlimited PDH package.

NoonPi®, a registered service mark of Gracone, LLC dba Professional Development Options. PDHdirect is the property of Process Engineering Consultants, Ltd. All information displayed on this page is based on a search of the features and prices listed on the respective websites, and the information is accurate as of the date of the search. The prices listed above are for unlimited PDH packages, where applicable. Otherwise, prices are the list price for 15 PDH and 30 PDH special value packages. Although this page is updated periodically, you should refer to the respective websites directly for the most up-to-date information on features and pricing. The last update of this page was on 5/5/2023.