The July Ethical Dilemma: Conflict of Interest – Feasibility Study
Engineer Brad is retained by the county to perform a feasibility study and make recommendations concerning location of a new power facility in the county. Two parcels of land located on a river have been identified by the county as the “candidates” for facility sites.
July 2023 Pop Quiz for Engineers
LIFE, LIBERTY & THE PURSUIT OF HIGH QUIZ SCORES. Here’s the July 2023 Pop Quiz for Engineers. Are you smarter than an undergraduate?
Riddle Me This: How many pets are enough?
How many pets does my friend Nick have? All of them are dogs except two. All of them are cats except two. All of them are parakeets except two. What kinds of animals and how many of each animal does he have?
VELCRO: An Idea That Stuck
Zippers, buttons, glue, staples, stitching. Prior to 1955, those were the main ways in which things were fastened together. But inventor George de Mestral’s 1941 discovery led to an easier and often more effective way of conjoining two things: VELCRO.
The Silver Bridge: America’s Deadliest Bridge Failure
Point Pleasant Bridge, which opened on May 30, 1928, was a 1,460-foot suspension-type bridge that spanned the Ohio River to connect Ohio and West Virginia. This unique bridge incorporated many first-time applications
The June Ethical Dilemma: Ethics and Expert Witnessing
Engineer Mike is a forensic engineer. He is hired as a consultant by Attorney Nancy to provide an engineering and safety analysis report and courtroom testimony in support of a plaintiff in a personal injury case.