You won’t find anything close to the quality and value
of NoonPi’s unlimited course access subscription.

Select a subscription package and start earning PDH credits immediately. When you complete a course, you can instantly download your certificate of completion as proof of the PDH you’ve earned.

You’re done! It’s that easy.

NoonPi Zero Risk Guarantee

Be comfortable knowing
your credits will be accepted

You don’t need to worry about the acceptability of the PDH earned with Noon Pi courses. Our courses are designed to be accepted by every state engineering board. And remember, every course and every webinar comes with the NoonPi Zero-Risk Guarantee.

NoonPi is a part of Professional Development Options, the original provider of PDH for engineers since 1995. We are an approved provider in all states with that requirement, and our courses have been accepted in all other states. Please see our state requirement pages for specific information about your state.

Select and buy
your NoonPi package

Unlimited access to the entire NoonPi course library for one low price.

All sales are subject to the applicable terms of sale: Silver Plan or Gold Plan.