What are non-qualifying PDH activities?

A non-qualifying activity is any activity that isn’t explicitly listed by a state licensing board as qualifying for PDH credits. The National Council of Examiners for [...]

2023-03-14T14:45:20-04:00May 13th, 2022|Comments Off on What are non-qualifying PDH activities?

What activities qualify for PDH credits?

Most of the state engineering licensing boards' rules are modeled after the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) Model Law. Although specific requirements [...]

2023-03-14T14:45:39-04:00May 13th, 2022|Comments Off on What activities qualify for PDH credits?

Which states do not require PDH?

The only states that do not require professional engineers to earn PDH credits for license renewal are Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and [...]

2023-03-14T14:45:39-04:00May 13th, 2022|Comments Off on Which states do not require PDH?

What is CPC vs PDH?

PDH (professional development hour) is a unit of measure for one nominal hour of professional development credit for engineers. CPC is a term coined by the [...]

2023-03-14T14:45:40-04:00May 13th, 2022|Comments Off on What is CPC vs PDH?
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