Which engineers qualify for PDH exemptions?
Exemptions from completing PDH vary by state. Typical exemptions include disability, illness, or other extenuating circumstances; engineers in their first renewal period; engineers on active duty [...]
Exemptions from completing PDH vary by state. Typical exemptions include disability, illness, or other extenuating circumstances; engineers in their first renewal period; engineers on active duty [...]
The requirement to maintain adequate records of PDH credits is the responsibility of the engineer. The required length of time varies by state, but in some [...]
There is no language in the NCEES indicating that teaching a course, webinar, or seminar earns double the PDH credits. Some states do award 2 PDH [...]
No. But, the NCEES Model Rules and all the state boards’ rules have language requiring the instructor to be qualified in the subject matter being taught.
Yes. All states that mandate PDH audit a percentage of renewing licensees to ensure compliance with the Board’s PDH requirements. In the event of an audit, [...]
Most states require engineers to attest that they have met the PDH requirements for license renewal, but don’t require engineers to submit documentation of the PDH [...]
Successful completion of a quiz at the end of an online PDH course is considered by state licensing boards to be an acceptable method to assess [...]
A non-qualifying activity is any activity that isn’t explicitly listed by a state licensing board as qualifying for PDH credits. The National Council of Examiners for [...]
Courses and webinars must have a clear purpose and objective which will maintain, improve, or expand the skills and knowledge relevant to the licensee’s field of [...]
Most of the state engineering licensing boards' rules are modeled after the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) Model Law. Although specific requirements [...]