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Specification Strategies To Eliminate Concrete Moisture

The importance of “design intent” and how losing focus on the owner’s expectations can lead to potentially catastrophic consequences.

Credit: 1 PDH

Price: $0.00

Wednesday, October 09, 2024
Start Time: 12:00pm Eastern (11:00am CT, 10:00am MT, 09:00am PT)

Webinar Information

Course Number: NP-F-G-1010W
Scheduled: Oct 09, 2024 at 12:00pm ET

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NoonPi Free Webinars

Specification Strategies to Eliminate Concrete Moisture

Division 09 of the Construction Specifications Institute’s (CSI) MasterFormat addresses building finishes. Most Project 09 flooring specifications require moisture testing before flooring can be installed on concrete slabs due to changes in adhesive formulations driven by concerns over indoor environmental quality.

Should those moisture tests fail, the project faces time delays, unexpected costs, or both. And because the installation of final floor finishes is one of the last items to occur prior to substantial completion in the macro critical path of project delivery, this outcome can be particularly burdensome.

This webinar will cover the importance of “design intent” and how losing focus on the owner’s expectations can lead to potentially catastrophic consequences. We will also closely examine several misconceptions embedded within the AEC industry that are associated with field moisture testing and project owner and design team liability that are related to concrete moisture-induced flooring failure.

Finally, we will provide clear recommendations on how the specifying professional can eliminate concrete moisture as a project delivery issue while simultaneously protecting the project owner and design team from project delivery delays/cost overruns and future failed flooring.

What you’ll learn in just one hour:

  • How design intent drives project requirements and directly impacts specification language
  • How to effectively review specific industry documents and reference standards that drive the requirement to moisture test all concrete slabs
  • Investigate the genesis of current 09 flooring specification language
  • Specify sustainable design processes that eliminate: (1) project delivery delays due to concrete slab moisture, (2) subsequent bond or moisture failures, and (3) design team liability for each of the above

Benefits of Noon Pi webinars:

  1. You don’t have to leave your office. The entire training session is conducted from the convenience of your desk or meeting room.
  2. No fancy technology required. A computer or smart phone with a good Internet connection is all the equipment you need. Just log in and start learning.
  3. No wasted time. Our compact, one–hour sessions fit into the busiest of schedules. In no time, you’re back on the job using the wealth of relevant information you gained.
  4. Earn PDH credit. Webinars earn PDH credit for engineers in all states, unless noted otherwise in the literature for a specific webinar.  For more details, check your state requirements.
  5. You have nothing to lose. Noon Pi webinars are offered to engineers free of charge!

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