Five Significant Advancements in Environmental Engineering

Environmental engineers are involved in challenges as diverse as water management and building design as well as the assessment of the environmental impact of proposed construction projects. And in the past few years, they’ve made five significant advancements in environmental engineering.

2023-06-19T15:04:46-04:00October 3rd, 2022|Tuesday Tidbits|4 Comments

Asphalt Roads Are Actually Not Paved With Asphalt

Asphalt may sound like a relatively modern invention, but the first recorded use of asphalt in a road was actually in Babylon in 615 B.C.E., where asphalt and burned brick were used to pave a procession street during the reign of King Nabopolassar, according to NAPA.

2023-06-19T17:22:55-04:00July 1st, 2022|Tuesday Tidbits|0 Comments
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