Tropicana Casino Resort Parking Garage Collapse

The Tropicana Casino Resort was one of Atlantic City’s premier gambling destinations, drawing thousands of visitors each year. As part of a major renovation effort, the Tropicana embarked on an ambitious construction project to build a nine-story parking garage.

2023-06-27T13:44:01-04:00July 27th, 2023|Friday Famous Failures|2 Comments

The Silver Bridge: America’s Deadliest Bridge Failure

Point Pleasant Bridge, which opened on May 30, 1928, was a 1,460-foot suspension-type bridge that spanned the Ohio River to connect Ohio and West Virginia. This unique bridge incorporated many first-time applications

2023-06-27T14:09:21-04:00June 29th, 2023|Friday Famous Failures|0 Comments

Florida International University-Sweetwater Pedestrian Bridge Collapse

The Florida International University (FIU)-Sweetwater University City pedestrian bridge was planned to connect the FIU campus to student housing neighborhoods in Sweetwater. It was intended to improve pedestrian safety.

2023-06-27T13:42:07-04:00March 30th, 2023|Friday Famous Failures|9 Comments
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