September Ethical Dilemma: Competent to Accept Reassignment?

Engineer Larry is a professional engineer employed by the Army Corps of Engineers. Because of a substantial decrease in the work load, Larry was informed that his position with the Corps’ River Basin Planning Section was being abolished and that he would be reassigned.

2023-09-25T17:02:51-04:00September 18th, 2023|Ethical Dilemma|6 Comments

The August Ethical Dilemma: Engineers & Politics

Engineer Sam is a candidate for the state legislature from a district in which there is a substantial percentage of unskilled workers who are represented by a union. In a particular plant where many of these employees work, the third worker in a year was killed recently in an industrial accident.

2023-08-21T14:43:14-04:00August 14th, 2023|Ethical Dilemma|17 Comments

The July Ethical Dilemma: Conflict of Interest – Feasibility Study

Engineer Brad is retained by the county to perform a feasibility study and make recommendations concerning location of a new power facility in the county. Two parcels of land located on a river have been identified by the county as the “candidates” for facility sites.

2023-08-14T15:09:10-04:00July 17th, 2023|Ethical Dilemma|3 Comments

The April Ethical Dilemma: Reviewing the Work Of Another Engineer

Engineer Wally performed design services for a client and also agreed to perform inspection services during the construction phase of the project. Owing to factors beyond the control of the client

2023-08-14T14:21:57-04:00April 17th, 2023|Ethical Dilemma|15 Comments

The March Ethical Dilemma: Sometimes Silence is Golden

Engineer Russell offers a homeowner inspection service in which he performs an engineering inspection of residences by prospective purchasers. Following the inspection, Russell renders a written report to the prospective purchaser.

2023-08-14T15:02:47-04:00March 20th, 2023|Ethical Dilemma|16 Comments

The February Ethical Dilemma: Can a Proposal Be Too Detailed?

A village board made known its interest in receiving what it called “proposals” in connection to a contemplated water project, with an estimated construction cost of $500,000, to be financed in part with funds under a federal-aid program.

2023-08-14T15:01:01-04:00February 17th, 2023|Ethical Dilemma|25 Comments

The December Ethical Dilemma: Getting Political

The facts in the case presented combine several sections of the NSPE Code of Ethics: the engineers' obligation to participate and be a constructive force in public affairs (See Code III.2.a.), and the engineers' obligation to avoid statements that are misleading, deceptive, and causing dishonor on the engineering profession (Code III.1, Code III.1.e., and Code III.3.a.).

2023-06-19T14:46:51-04:00December 19th, 2022|Ethical Dilemma|16 Comments
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