September 2022 Pop Quiz for Engineers
The only FORMULA for a higher quiz score is to be smarter than an undergraduate. Here's the September 2022 Pop Quiz for Engineers. Are you smarter than an undergraduate?
The only FORMULA for a higher quiz score is to be smarter than an undergraduate. Here's the September 2022 Pop Quiz for Engineers. Are you smarter than an undergraduate?
Who owns the fish? Riddle me this ...
Is your quiz score higher than the TEMPERATURE? Here's the August 2022 Pop Quiz for Engineers. Are you smarter than an undergraduate?
If you are the last person to board the plane, what is the probability that you will get your assigned seat? Riddle me this ...
LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HIGH QUIZ SCORES. Here's the July 2022 Pop Quiz for Engineers. Are you smarter than an undergraduate?
How much of the two hundred feet of rope can you acquire while ending up safe on the ground? Riddle me this ...
Is FATHER'S DAY the day to score high marks on this month's quiz? Here's the June 2022 Pop Quiz for Engineers. Are you smarter than an undergraduate?
What is the best strategy to use to win the game in the fewest number of steps possible? Riddle me this ...
Will your score on this month's quiz make your MOTHER'S DAY? Here's the May 2022 Pop Quiz for Engineers. Are you smarter than an undergraduate?
Do you know what your number is, and if so, what is it? Riddle me this ...