The NoonPi Blog2024-09-05T13:38:10-04:00
6November 2023

The Rise and Fall of the Airbus A380: A Lesson for Professional Engineers

November 6th, 2023|Categories: Tuesday Tidbits|6 Comments

The A380 was designed to be a game-changer in the aviation industry. Boasting a double-deck, wide-body, four-engine jet configuration, it had a typical seating capacity of 555 passengers in a three-class configuration and could transport over 800 passengers in a denser configuration. The goal? Address the problem of congested airports and airspace by carrying more passengers per flight.

26October 2023

Lessons Learned: The 1999 Aggie Bonfire Collapse

October 26th, 2023|Categories: Friday Famous Failures|4 Comments

On November 18, 1999, the traditional Aggie Bonfire, an iconic annual event at Texas A&M University, suffered a devastating structural failure that led to the death of twelve people, while injuring twenty-seven. The Aggie Bonfire was more than a mere bonfire; it was a towering structure of log stacks reaching nearly sixty feet high, an emblem of Aggie spirit and camaraderie. The collapse, which occurred during construction, was a shocking tragedy that deeply affected the University and the broader community.

16October 2023

The October Ethical Dilemma: Gift-Sharing of a Hotel Suite

October 16th, 2023|Categories: Ethical Dilemma|8 Comments

Engineer Bob is director of engineering with a large governmental agency that uses many engineering consultants. Engineer Alan is a principal in a large engineering firm that performs services for that agency.

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