Responsible Charge: What Exactly Does It Mean?
The National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) defines Responsible Charge as the “direct control and personal supervision of engineering work.” This may lead some to wonder ...
The Chernobyl Disaster
The town of Pripyat in the Soviet Socialist Republic of Ukraine was new, pleasant and boasted both prosperity and job security as the location of the advanced, modern Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant ...
The January Ethical Dilemma: Obligations to Clients and Public Safety
Board concludes that Sam did the appropriate thing in coming forward to his client with the information and also by documenting the information for possible future reference as appropriate.
January 2024 Pop Quiz for Engineers
New Year, New Quiz! Here's 2024's first Pop Quiz for Engineers. Are you smarter than an undergraduate?
5 Movies That Featured an Engineering Character
While engineers aren’t always the most featured characters on television shows, they are often the most popular. Perhaps more engineering characters will find their way ...
Riddle Me This: The River Dilemma
You've just purchased three things at the local market: a wolf, a duck, and a bag of seeds ....